This file is sys/be/README. It is for those intending to compile NetHack 3.3 on a BeOS 4.5 system. BeOS NetHack currently only supports the TTY windowing system. In order to compile it, it would benefit you greatly to think of your Be system as a UNIX variant. It is possible to compile using BeIDE. However, there are four executables and several steps involved in making NetHack. Unless you are extremely familiar with the build sequence and are willing to modify the code somewhat, I suggest you avoid it for now. Let the UNIX Makefiles take care of all that for you. Known problems: + No special characters for walls. None of the fonts available for use in a tty window has the graphics characters needed to improve the look. If such a font existed, then all you need to do is set the dungeon, object, and/or monter mappings in your defaults file. + The arrow keys don't work. Build instructions. From a freshly unpacked source tree: 1. Copy the Makfiles in sys/unix to their proper spots. You may use or copy them by hand. Using to create links instead of copying the Makefiles will work, but BeOS will not let you edit a link. It may be helpful to read sys/unix/Install.unx. 2. Edit src/Makefile: o Change System to SysBe. o Comment out the UNIX versions of SYSSRC and SYSOBJ variables. o Uncomment the BeOS versions of SYSRC and SYSOBJ. o Uncomment the BeOS versions of CC, CFLAGS, LD, and LFLAGS. The flags are different for Intel vs BeBox/Mac. o Uncomment one of the Intel or BeBox/Mac BeOS versions of CC, CFLAGS, LD, and LFLAGS. o Comment out the default CFLAGS and LFLAGS. o Change WINTTYLIB to be -ltermcap. 3. Edit util/Makefile: o If on a BeBox/Mac: - Uncomment the BeOS versions of CC and CFLAGS - Comment out the default CFLAGS and LFLAGS. o If on Intel: - the default values of CFLAGS and LFLAGS work fine o Change YACC and LEX to be bison -y and flex respectively. 4. Edit include/config.h to change HACKDIR to be the location of your install directory. 5. Edit top level Makefile and change GAMEDIR to match HACKDIR in include/config.h. Make sure the path to GAMEDIR exists. Change SHELLDIR to a "throw away" directory, like /tmp. We don't use the shell. Change CHOWN and CHGRP commands to "true", there really aren't groups on the BeOS. 6. Type "make install" at the top level. It is possible that some necessary steps needed to make the game have been omitted. Feel free to ad-lib as necessary.